Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bringing this back, old school style! Not really, but we are running on very very different schedules, so keep each other updated. Whether you are DC, Vermont, or ghetto Queens, post anything.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Last night sucked. I have never been robbed in new york city (scratch that, i had a coat taken but that wasn't too bad), but I manage to fall victim to theft in ithaca. Tell me that's not ridiculous. I was working a Class Council event, called Battle of the Late Night Foods, where local vendors offer free late night snackage to promote their stores. I was told that the volunteer room would be locked at all times. Nonetheless, I come back after work to find my fleece & bag gone. Everyone keeps saying "oh no one would steal it, you probably misplaced it" but its gone :( for good. It's not even the hassle of canceling credit/debit/etc., and now having to pay to have all the locks in my apartment changed, but the fact that someone took it and has no use for anything there. With the exception of it potentially having been taken by someone who legitimately needed a fleece for damn survival, the whole ordeal is just very infuriating. What surprised me the most about my reaction though was how upset I feel at thinking about how much my friends comforted me and tried to improve the situation. I hate being the weak one. The more they did, the worse I felt because I hate the idea of them having to go out of their way to help me. I think I function much better as the helper, rather than the vulnerable one. My parents made me even more upset by helping me out and trying to explain that I should be so happy to be lucky enough to have such considerate friends. But the fact that I do makes me want to cry!

Meet my favorite peeps:

Thursday, November 8, 2007


What a throwback!


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

retro pop

this is for those of you who haven't had time to peruse perez hilton and might have missed this video.

i love it!! it's kinky, old-school, and awkward, just like me.

My Secret Lover/Private

Saturday, October 27, 2007

What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Yes, i realize I should switch so that I don't keep posting as KD Wampag, but I will soon.
TGIF is right. It's pouring here but I was in desperate need of a lazy afternoon after a week of midterms. Walking back from the libraries in the wee hours of the night is amazing. I love crossing my last bridge into Collegetown and hearing the rushing gorge waters below but not being able to see them. I hope to take pictures soon enough so that you can get a better impression of what it's like.

I wanted to respond to the social stagnation that I think we all face. Groups have been decided. While its possible to add a few friends here and there, or merge groups on occasion, I feel like things are pretty must set in stone from here onward. If I hadn't formed a core group of friends with the kids I lived with last year (and live with now, and next year as well- signing our lease soon!), I would definitely feel MUCH more lost. Our closest knit fraction of the whole unit of friends is of course the five girls. We collectively agree that the only girl friends we need are each other, and that quite frankly, we don't like girls. Most of our friend-making efforts are centered on finding cool guys in the sea of social awkward engineers, fratastic cocky boys and so on. And it's not just for the purpose of finding a potential lovahhh but rather to actually find just good people to hang out with. By the way, it's still in the works but I'm sorta kinda seeing someone right now- who I met via my best guy friend. So it comes full circle, use your guy friends to expand the guy friend network and meet boyfriends.
Despite my disdain for many girls, there are very clear similarities between the 7toMainers and my friends here, despite my initial beliefs in the differences between the two groups. We are all independent, intelligent and self-respecting women. That's right my friends, women. As much as we should be modest when necessary, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to not want to develop a social relationship with any of you.
I forgot where I was going with this. I just watched Oprah and it was about these women who are with married men. It really has no relation to this entry but these women just pissed me off. So um don't be like them?

I'll be around all weekend doing work but I'm not especially busy so actually expect phone calls. I'm legit this time.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

ciudad de noche

It came with my Toshiba. Doesn't it feel like you're standing on the edge of one of these buildings looking down on the city? I love black & white pictures and I love cityscapes at night. So I'm cliché. What else is new?

TGI(Almost)F! I stayed up all night studying for a midterm last night. I'm so glad it's over and this weekend's homecoming. And one of my friends turned 21 yesterday. It's gonna be a good time.

I was talking to La Nuit Americaine a few days ago and we both feel like our lives are at a standstill. By lives I mean our social lives. It's just really hard to venture out of your clique and meet other people. And by people I mean guys. Do the rest of you also feel this way? I've been trying really hard to expand my social circle since the beginning of this semester, but it's been disappointing so far. But it's only October. I'm sure things will start to look up soon.