Sunday, November 11, 2007

Last night sucked. I have never been robbed in new york city (scratch that, i had a coat taken but that wasn't too bad), but I manage to fall victim to theft in ithaca. Tell me that's not ridiculous. I was working a Class Council event, called Battle of the Late Night Foods, where local vendors offer free late night snackage to promote their stores. I was told that the volunteer room would be locked at all times. Nonetheless, I come back after work to find my fleece & bag gone. Everyone keeps saying "oh no one would steal it, you probably misplaced it" but its gone :( for good. It's not even the hassle of canceling credit/debit/etc., and now having to pay to have all the locks in my apartment changed, but the fact that someone took it and has no use for anything there. With the exception of it potentially having been taken by someone who legitimately needed a fleece for damn survival, the whole ordeal is just very infuriating. What surprised me the most about my reaction though was how upset I feel at thinking about how much my friends comforted me and tried to improve the situation. I hate being the weak one. The more they did, the worse I felt because I hate the idea of them having to go out of their way to help me. I think I function much better as the helper, rather than the vulnerable one. My parents made me even more upset by helping me out and trying to explain that I should be so happy to be lucky enough to have such considerate friends. But the fact that I do makes me want to cry!

Meet my favorite peeps:


Alex said...

i'm so sorry to hear about the theft! it seems like you're handling it well. and don't feel bad that people LOVE you and want to help you in a time of need. you deserve it! that's why the love you in the first place. feel better, D...

Preba said...

girls got mad white friends

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