Sunday, August 26, 2007


I'm so happy I got to see a few of you guys on Friday. Unfortunately, I'm not in any of the pictures! Oh well. I moved into my dorm today. I really like it. It's not the sardine can that I lived in last year. I hope you all get a chance to visit this year.

It's funny to think about how short a time ago we walked the lawn of QC's Colden Center in our crimson robes. Seems like longer than it's actually been. I wish I got a chance to see you guys more, but, on the flipside of the coin, the old cliche is right; absence does make the heart grow fonder.

Sometimes I wish we could go to college together, but then I remind myself that it really doesn't matter. Everytime we hang out, however frequent that is, it always seems like we're meeting in the library - that we just saw each other 2 periods ago. I never feel awkward or any separation anxiety because you guys make me feel so at ease with myself.

There are very few things that make a person feel at ease with themselves. Things like your childhood home don't come by often. Yes, I am comparing you guys with my home.

As we cross big rivers and big states to further our lives and become adults, it's easier to become more detached from our homes, and become more engrossed with new places, new friends, and new experiences. I don't ever want to become so wrapped up with what I'm doing in the now that I forget that oh-so-important part of myself that is my past, my memories, old friends.

Home isn't really made of concrete and brick. Home is the things that connect you to your roots.

1 comment:

Gulsah said...

aww alex i never knew this sensitive and emotional side to you.. so i guess ur rite, we can learn more about each other and strengthen our bonds together even when were so separated...

btw, i think u meant to say 2 BANDS!! i cant believe we called our periods, bands- Townsend, what else can u expect!