Saturday, August 4, 2007

Remember the Alamo?

So my friend T.J. (read: Tresa Jane) from San Antonio, Texas has been living with me since Monday. She goes to NYU and is majoring in dramatic writing. This is what she looks like.

I took the picture from her facebook. I think it describes her well. She's not a party girl at all. But, she is a fun person (you don't have to be a party girl to be fun). She's very funny and interesting to talk to. She has many interesting friends, and she's not judgemental. I feel like she accepts everyone the way they are. The man she is with is the manager of the bar/pool hall she waitressed in in San Antonio. She came to NYC to find an apartment. She found one on the Upper East Side. I visited it tonight, and the neighborhood is great. She's right near the best diner I've ever been to in Manhattan. In general, Manhattan has pretty crappy diners compared to Queens, doncha think? Besides diners though, she lives near the police department, fire department, a hospital, the park, the river, and the train. The only thing is that it's far from the village, but to each their own I guess right. You've gotta sacrifice distance for more apartment space I guess.

TJ and I are quite different in many ways. Texans are very different from New Yorkers - and not just politically. But, she's a great girl. To be honest, we've had some issues in the past. Last night, we went to play pool at Paradise and I decided to just lay out everything in the open. We had a very long, open talk, and I feel like we came out of it at peace. At least I did. The little demon that gnawed away inside of me for months is gone. Whatever hurt feelings exist are still there, no doubt about that. But, they're breathing has weakened, and I am 100% confident they will be gone soon.

It's so much better to be open. If the openness ruins the friendship, then I guess you weren't meant to be friends.

Oh, and a quiet pool hall is a great place to talk.


1 comment:

K.D. Wampag said...

i want to know about the ISSUES