Monday, August 20, 2007


Hey guys,
I just came back to the states from my cruise today. It was a blast. I'll be posting pictures on this blog tomorrow or tuesday.

I added a link on the side for this site, It's a website dedicated, as the link indicates, to microcinema, or low/no budget filmmaking, a scene that is growing in size and popularity due to the digital revolution (youtube, prosumer technology, etc). The site also talks about mumblecore, a film movement that is growing out of microcinema. It excites me that there is a cinematic movement growing in the USA. It means the medium is still alive; it's soul has not been completely sucked out by commercialism.

The microcinema scene gives hope to aspiring filmmakers like me, who, until they get their first big paycheck, will have to make films on microbudgets. It gives hope to the student. I hope it continues to grow and remains alternative, but not because I'm a greedy elitist who wants to keep the movement to the knowledge of the limited few. Alternative movements in art always keep the mainstream in check, and keeps providing the world with a fresh new crop of artists.

Microcinema is exciting because it's a scene resting on the foundations of limitation. Great art is so often birthed from great repression, whether economic, social, or otherwise. Think of the Italian Neorealists, Hip-Hop, the Blues. The more limits an artist has put on them, the more innovative they become

Yup, I see great things in the future of cinema. It's definetely not dead. There are so many more frontiers that are left undiscovered in the medium.

- Alex