Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Second Attempt...

So slowly the days of summer are winding down and I've been ready to get back to school last month. But this is not going to be a reminiscent entry or an immamissmyhomies entry or even a wherearehellaresomeofyou! entry...but this will be a thank you entry.

In the little time I have known all of you, I have to say I've learned much. If you think about it, and you don't even need to think hard, each of us are very different from each other. I could never think of our group as just a lump of 8. It's always the individual that comes to mind. The individuals that somehow managed to link up in high school at varying points. There are probably more differences in each of us than there are commonalities. Freakin' we're all even different shades of colors and sizes! That always kept the conversations going. And to this day I know that if I were to link up with the lot of you at any point, I would revert to that goofy Karin with the abusive "cackle" in a second. Comfort is what I feel most when I'm with you guys.

I would say many of our relationships with each other have changed a lot, for better or for worse. But mainly because we've all changed dramatically since the conception of these relationships. I can't say why we're all friends and maybe some of you are wondering what the hell it is I'm getting at. But in all simplicity, I am grateful for having all you as a part of this life because I've grown from our experiences in ways that I was completely unaware of until our physical separation. Although this summer has been for the most part the definition of boredom underlaying the bittersweet taste of what it is to be an adult (freakin 9to5s...), it has been a summer of tests. Tests of will and self-control and I would say that I surpassed largely owed in part to the identiy that I have created with you lucky 8. Excuse the absolute abstractness of that statement...

I guess in a weird loving way, I just feel that this core group is the one thing other than Islam and family that I can always come back to.

So thank you.


Alex said...
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Alex said...
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Alex said...

wow...i'm touched karin. truly. you can always come back to us. like high school, like main street, we are part of each others histories...the place we go back to in our memories. in other words, home.

i am going to write a post in response to yours to adequately express how i feel, though.

Alex said...

ps: i deleted the comments above because i signed them under different names. they were exactly the same as the one above.

Boobytrap said...

karin, you're so sweet. guys, we need to verbalize our love for one another more frequently.. believe me, you mean a lot to me too, homegirl.

Gulsah said...

karin, ur post was so inspirational... we love you too babe! and i wanna see you before you go so i tell you this in a big hug :)