Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I had the most random day yesterday. First off, yesterday, this guy in my film production class who I hardly know asks me out. I declined respectfully.

Then, my film crew and I went to shoot this movie on Mercer St. between 8th street and Waverly. We got to the location, and foundnone other than Bret Ratner (the director of X-Men 3, Red Dragon, all 3 Rush Hours, etc) is walking his dog there. He comes over and talks to us. He leaves, and comes back to talk to us because he also went to undergad NYU film school. Here's where it gets more interesting, because, see, well, the thing is...I accidently insulted him. He wasn't mean about it though.

I just made a statement that apparently dug at his insecurities...he described his new project as an adaptation of this 1970's Brazilian "Nazi movie." So, naturally, I asked, "So, was it made by Nazis, or is about Nazis." He responded, "Oh, well it's about these Nazis who try and resurrect the body of Hitler." I wasn't sure if he was serious or not. The premise seems quite ridiculous that it could possiby be a comedy - like "Springtime for Hitler" in "The Producers" - ya know? But, then again, it could also have been a drama. I mean...Nazis generally aren't funny, unless it's Chris Kattan posing as "Gay Hitler" on SNL.

So, I ask him, "Is it a comedy or a drama?" He tells me that it's a drama. He doesn't "just do comedy. I mean, Rush Hour was one thing, right? I also directed Red Dragon."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, Red Dragon, I know," I said as I fumbled my words trying to recover.

He changed the subject to the camera we were using. Then his supermodel girlfriend came and she called the cameras "cute." They walked away. Bret was a really nice guy. Which is why I sort of felt bad for possibly insulting him. But, one of my crew members pointed out to me that while he'll probably forget everyone in the crew, he'll probably remember me because I said something that got to him.

Better to be remembered than forgotten? I guess it might not seem like a big deal to a non-film student. But, imagine you're researching something related to International Relations at your library and you run into Butros Butros Bali. And then you accidently insult him. At this point you are me.

Oh, and on Sunday night I went to a Rilo Kiley concert. It was the most amazing concert I've ever been to. They're better live than on the album. Their energy was amazing. It was the funnest night I've had so far this semester.

EDIT: His name is Butros Butros Ghali apparently. My fault.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hey Everybody!

This is my first real entry in this blog since the infamous, "freedom from work." It's been three weeks into the school year, and I've already had some crazy times. But more importantly I've been focusing on my school work. I've realized that my parents are paying for my education, so I gosta step it up.
The classes I'm taking are:
Middle Eastern Studies
Calculus 3
Chemistry 1

I've also increased my ghetto speak since returning to Northeastern. The starting of this semester was insane. My apartment was not furnished and therefore was unable to be lived in for two weeks. In that time my roomates and I have lived/slept/eaten/pooped in various places on campus. The most prominent being a friend's 2 person dorm which held 9 people for a week. But as of today my apartment is fully equipped with a couch, dining table, tv stand (no tv yet), and 4 beds. It's shaping out to be a balling place to live, and I hope you guys will all get to see the finished product.

My roomates and I have been getting along, but mostly because we hardly see each other. I thought that this year was going to be a disaster with all of us being so different and having to live together, but it's turned out quiet pleasant. We are all on such different schedules that we only see each other at night.

I called all you mothers yesterday so I don't want any not keeping in touch business going around. Yay to those who answered, boo to those who didn't, and wtf to those who don't accept incoming calls. I'm currently in the library outlining my chemistry textbook (we dont have internet either), and reading about the Jena 6.

I'm really looking forward to coming home for columbus day, I ridiculously miss home by the way (maybe because building furniture makes you appreciate your parents greatly). I hope you are all doing well in school nad enjoying your time to the fullest (we're sophomores yo!).

Love, Prebz.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jena 6


I just learned about this case being tried in Louisiana referred to as the Jena 6. Click the link above and read "Jena 6 Injustice." It gives a synopsis of what happened.

I knew racism existed in America today, but I was still very shocked after learning of the Jena 6. I'm shocked because it's hard to believe that there are still people and TOWNS in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that act like it's the 1950's or 40's and practice flatout segregation and racism. This trial is not To Kill A Mockingbird - there is no Atticus Finch. This is ACTUALLY happening in this country.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

it ain't your fault sally

Helloo world wide web.
Well, KD Wampag, even though I have never had a roommate before, I can imagine the frustrations that can arise after being confined in a single room with someone for so many hours. I think La Nuit Americane has provided some good advice. Hopefully your roommate has good hygiene and is not incapable of controlling her bladder.

I have been super busy now that school has started, but I don't think I would have it any other way. This semester, the cost of textbooks was like no other. I am taking Financial Accounting, Computer Information Systems, Macro, Communications and Business Statistics (This will be the third time I will be taking statistics and hopefully the last).

I've also been busy filling out applications because I've been bitching about transferring for the past year. I realize now how silly it was to say, 'I'm definitely transferring' even before I stepped foot into college. If I end up transferring in the spring I will be excited, but I'll be just as happy to stay where I am now. I think this current school offers a lot of things. I just couldn't see that before because I was so stubborn. Now I am trying to hunt down the Dean and get all the forms filled out. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

I hope those who had a long weekend enjoyed theirs. I enjoyed mine with Ty, the stye in my eye. I went to the dentist Wednesday and found out that all my wisdom teeth will likely have to be extracted. I will likely go sometime during break. I'm reeally looking forward to it.

Anyway, all is well here. I hope the same is true for you. I'm looking forward to reading about all your adventures.

To my anonymous friend below

To my anonymous friend who posted on 9/11/07,
While I have been blessed with wonderful roommates so far, I do know that bad roommates happen OFTEN. First off, know it has nothing to do with you. Their annoying behavior does not reflect you in any way. Second, although my roommates were awesome last year, my room was the size of an oversized closet - no joke. So, I did not like being in my room a lot. I hung out in my friend's rooms really often - even studied there. My room became a place I slept, and held the occasional hang out sesh when my two roommates were MIA. That's one thing you can do. It makes you a. appreciate your room (even your roommates!) more - absense makes the heart grow fonder, and b. appreciate your friends in other rooms more.

Also, towards the end of the year, my roommates started hanging out with these 2 people for what seemed 24/7. While these 2 people who I'll refer to my 4th and 5th roommates were nice people, they were also loud and always there and thus annoying. With them, I laid down the law. When I needed quiet, I kicked them out nicely. My point with this anecdote is...while being out of your room will make living in it easier, don't forget that it's just as much your room as it is your annoying counterpart. So, don't be afraid to lay the smackdown tastefully & diplomatically. If you politely lay down the law and your roommate is mad, then F*CK her because you've done all you could.

Just brush that dirt off your shoulder. Hope this helped. Call me if you need advice. Oh, and also, don't keep things inside so much. You'd be surprised how good you feel after you talk to someone.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

that time of the month y'all

I feel sorry for the lack of posting but the past few weeks since my return to school have been hectic like no other, and I'm sure everyone else is in the same boat. I also apologize because this is going to be a vent entry, mostly because I'm pmsing like a mother effer. Everything is going very well so I don't want to leave the wrong impression. I am happy here and I would LOVE a visit from you guys or anyone this semester. My question is though..

What do you do when you can't stand a roommate anymore?

Everything she does urks you me the point where you just hermit in your bedroom and try to block out her voice. I could go on forever listing my negative opinion of her, but I'll try to be the bigger person.

I just forgot over the summer how competitive, self-absorbed, neurotic and over-analytical the college-setting could be. As much as I try to avoid the influence of others who behave like crazies (best way for me to word it), it does get to me. And rather than finding outlets for my feelings, like calling friends (my bad, as usual), I do tend to let it build up to where I have to anonymously express my frustrations online like a lame-o. Balancing class, work, activities and everything else that comes along is hard enough without stressing myself out because of others.

One a much more optimistic note! College is fun, I'm just moody. I have to stop thinking over these things and just go with the flow.

MISSS YOUU! Hope you are all doing well- study hard

PS: On facebook there is now a group- "I remember Michael Hendrickson" It mentions all those whom we lost in four years (shoshana, belinda, teddy, johnny chen). I thought I'd let you all know that Belinda was a classmate of one of my roommates after she transferred to Scarsdale HS. She still rocked the sweats, monotone outfits and big bookbags like it was nobody's business.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Return to Perpetual Hunger

My first week back at Amherst was hectic like no other.
I had some minor conflicts in each of my classes and it was a very stressful time. Plus I started working dinner shifts at the dining hall which is no fun. Everything is sorted out now but I feel like I really deserve this weekend. We have our first annual Luau TAP tonight with live music, lots of mood-altering substances, and FIREBREATHERS which should be fun. And possibly a lot of ass-tapping.

My courses for this semester:

World Politics
Second-year Russian (taught by a really cute Japanese visiting professor from California! Just out of grad school! So young! But so random! This is why I love Amherst)
Spanish Conversation
The Non-fiction Film

I love my new single. I'm in the process of pimping it out.
Oh, I made my first furniture purchase yesterday! It's a used loveseat couch. It smells kinda funky but I guess either Fatcat or Preba can use it as a makeshift bed when they come over.

Missing you all but looking forward to seeing some of you real soon,

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Re: Back in Session

After a hectic weekend of fun in the sun and Islam over in Chitown, I am finally back at Swellesley. All summer long, I wished to be back here, in my own room with my own boundaries with my own time management...and now I miss home. Alas, that is the quandary of life. We want what we can't have...

My classes:

1) Intermediate Arabic
2) Making of the World: History
3) World Politics
4) Econ Stats

This semester just getting my IR requirements out the way for bigger and more world changing things in the future God willing. I'm also juggling a few extracurriculars but overall I have to say I'm excited about this new chapter in life. This summer has confirmed a few things I've been considering so going into the semester with a new state of mind will be important.

I wish you all the best for this semester and keeeeep posting! =)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back in session

School is back in session. While I'm sad to see the summer go, I'm excited for my new classes. I'm juggling my opposing feelings to start of COLLEGE.

I'm taking one class that's 9 hours long (no, I'm not joking) - twice a week. It's called Sight & Sound Film. We make movies. Should be fun and interesting. I'm also taking a screenwriting class which I'm so excited for. My professor seems really cool. I'm also taking an acting class. Tomorrow is the first day. Finally, just so I'm not completely engulfed in art, I'm taking Origins of Astronomy. Yes, you read it right folks. A certain THHS '06 alum is in this class too.

Alright, so...what are you classes like?