Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I had the most random day yesterday. First off, yesterday, this guy in my film production class who I hardly know asks me out. I declined respectfully.

Then, my film crew and I went to shoot this movie on Mercer St. between 8th street and Waverly. We got to the location, and foundnone other than Bret Ratner (the director of X-Men 3, Red Dragon, all 3 Rush Hours, etc) is walking his dog there. He comes over and talks to us. He leaves, and comes back to talk to us because he also went to undergad NYU film school. Here's where it gets more interesting, because, see, well, the thing is...I accidently insulted him. He wasn't mean about it though.

I just made a statement that apparently dug at his insecurities...he described his new project as an adaptation of this 1970's Brazilian "Nazi movie." So, naturally, I asked, "So, was it made by Nazis, or is about Nazis." He responded, "Oh, well it's about these Nazis who try and resurrect the body of Hitler." I wasn't sure if he was serious or not. The premise seems quite ridiculous that it could possiby be a comedy - like "Springtime for Hitler" in "The Producers" - ya know? But, then again, it could also have been a drama. I mean...Nazis generally aren't funny, unless it's Chris Kattan posing as "Gay Hitler" on SNL.

So, I ask him, "Is it a comedy or a drama?" He tells me that it's a drama. He doesn't "just do comedy. I mean, Rush Hour was one thing, right? I also directed Red Dragon."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, Red Dragon, I know," I said as I fumbled my words trying to recover.

He changed the subject to the camera we were using. Then his supermodel girlfriend came and she called the cameras "cute." They walked away. Bret was a really nice guy. Which is why I sort of felt bad for possibly insulting him. But, one of my crew members pointed out to me that while he'll probably forget everyone in the crew, he'll probably remember me because I said something that got to him.

Better to be remembered than forgotten? I guess it might not seem like a big deal to a non-film student. But, imagine you're researching something related to International Relations at your library and you run into Butros Butros Bali. And then you accidently insult him. At this point you are me.

Oh, and on Sunday night I went to a Rilo Kiley concert. It was the most amazing concert I've ever been to. They're better live than on the album. Their energy was amazing. It was the funnest night I've had so far this semester.

EDIT: His name is Butros Butros Ghali apparently. My fault.


FatCat said...
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FatCat said...

it's Butros Butros Ghali genius...and i already met him in the stacks =)

Edelweiss said...

haha. it's ok, i would've wondered the same thing about the film. and your friend is right, it'll be something you two can talk about at your awards dinner. btw, when can i see more of your work??