Saturday, September 8, 2007

Return to Perpetual Hunger

My first week back at Amherst was hectic like no other.
I had some minor conflicts in each of my classes and it was a very stressful time. Plus I started working dinner shifts at the dining hall which is no fun. Everything is sorted out now but I feel like I really deserve this weekend. We have our first annual Luau TAP tonight with live music, lots of mood-altering substances, and FIREBREATHERS which should be fun. And possibly a lot of ass-tapping.

My courses for this semester:

World Politics
Second-year Russian (taught by a really cute Japanese visiting professor from California! Just out of grad school! So young! But so random! This is why I love Amherst)
Spanish Conversation
The Non-fiction Film

I love my new single. I'm in the process of pimping it out.
Oh, I made my first furniture purchase yesterday! It's a used loveseat couch. It smells kinda funky but I guess either Fatcat or Preba can use it as a makeshift bed when they come over.

Missing you all but looking forward to seeing some of you real soon,


FatCat said...

man twooooo languages?! thas wassup!

hey, i couldn't land a dining hall job this year becuase the stupid first years took all the good shifts. but i got a nice office job instead that pays a little less. but i get to drive around a tiny golf cart!!

Boobytrap said...

now THAT's wassup